Friday, January 9, 2009


So, it's been a day or so and I just wanted to update a little. I have been on a very strict diet for the past 3 days. It's actually called the 3 Day Diet. You're supposed to lose 10 lbs in 3 days after doing it. I have done it in the past and I actually did lose 10 lbs BUT after the 3 days of dieting I splurged and ate like crazy and gained several of the pounds back, not all , but several. So, I have been doing it again to try and really discipline myself on cutting back on my food. This time I broke down the first night and ate a couple of things off-menu but not too bad. It was a 100 calorie bag of popcorn and then later a small bowl of cereal. The diet is very strict and you won't lose all the weight if you alter it AT ALL. So, I doubt I will have lost the whole 10 lbs tomorrow but we'll see how close I get.
Anyway, I'm blogging because I want to make sure this time I don't overdo it when i start eating normal again. Eric and I have already planned that we are going hiking tomorrow and we've already discussed meal plans. Hopefully I can keep it under control, with the Lord's help of course. I have been praying, not just about this, but I have been praying that God would sustain me and help me and He really has. The past 2 days have been fairly easy. I've had my moments where I want to eat a whole bag of potato chips and go get a Reese's Blast from Sonic (lol), BUT, the Lord has been helping me.
I weigh in tomorrow morning. I'll update then on pounds lost so far.
Until next time.....

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