Sunday, January 18, 2009

Bad Day///Good Day

Today was a bad day///good day. It was bad as far as eating goes and good as far as church goes. Of course church and being in the Presence of the Lord FAR outweighs the bad part!!! We had 2 amazing worship services at church today. The choir really worshipped the Lord in song and the Presence of the Lord was in that place today! The messages that the Pastor delivered were definitely anointed and SOOO very good for the soul!! I was full both spiritually AND physically today lol! This morning the message was about "Committed to Prayer when God says Nothing". Man, did I need to hear that......

I haven't talked to anyone really about this and I guess it's just something that I shove into the back of my mind when it comes up, but I sometimes have a struggle with the fact that God didn't heal my Dad when he had his stroke. It's a VERY long story but long story short.... My Dad had a sudden, massive, hypertensive stroke 3 years ago March 23. He was in a coma in ICU for 8 days and then passed away. During the hospital stay we all banded together and prayed and prayed and cried out to God and begged God to heal him. And God said nothing.
This morning my Pastor testified during his message about the tragedy of them losing their little boy prematurely at 11 days old after begging God and praying and crying out for God to heal him and God said nothing.
You know what the Pastor "brought to light" about times like that? Basically, in a nutshell, God has a plan and we don't always know OR understand WHY He does the things He does, the ways He does them, but all in all, HE HAS A PLAN. God's job is to hear our prayers and answer ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, our job is simply to pray, believing He is able, and to trust that God will take care of it His way.
In "this thing called life" things don't make sense A LOT of the time. We believed God to heal my Dad. We prayed with faith. I literally got down on my knees time and again in the hospital chapel and begged God not to take my Dad. My job was to pray. God's job was to answer it according to His will. Healing my Dad would have been nothing compared to the miracles and wonders that God is capable of, but He chose not to. Why? I do not know. I still do not know. But, the message this morning brought some healing to my pain of that "not knowing" and that unending question of "why God?". The message was a simple reminder that my thoughts are not God's thoughts and His ways are much higher than mine. God's plan is not always clear to us, but we can be sure and trust the fact that God is faithful and He knows what is best for everyone. I am thankful to have been in a place this morning to hear that much needed Word for my soul.

Ok, so this post is a little long...sorry.

Then tonight we had an awesome time of worship in singing and the presence of the Lord was with us again. I am so amazed that God inhabits the praises of His people. The message preached tonight was about how we are to be dead to sin and alive in Christ. We cried out to Jesus, "Come live in me. All my life take over!" I hope that others received from the Word tonight as I did.

On a different note......

We are having Spaghetti Madness this Thursday. I am really looking forward to spending time with my mom and sisters again.

Tomorrow morning, the Thomas family(which, even though not blood-related, is our family too) is going to be facing a long, frightening day. 2 members of their family are dealing with major health issues and have major doctors' appointments/procedures. We are continuing to pray for them. If you will, please pray along with us.

Well, I was supposed to audition today (Sunday) for the Greenville Chorale but I called and cancelled. #1 Olivia is going to try spring soccer and her practices and games fall on the same night as when my practices would be with the Chorale, and #2 I was really nervous because the audition was extremely tough. You had to sing the Star Spangled Banner accapello and then sight sing. For those of you who don't know what sight singing is, basically they give you sheet music and you sing the notes without accompaniment instruments. YEAH, that's pretty difficult. I figured I would need to practice up on that a bit before trying it. Sooooo, I am down to audition in August.

Now to the Bad part...ugh. Yeah, I pretty much ate WAAAAYYY too many calories today! I definitely won't be hitting that 10 lb mark by tomorrow. I am not even going to get on the scale to weigh in tomorrow because I will need a couple of days to work all that I ate today OFF!! Oh well, I guess I just have to chalk it up and keep going. Tomorrow (actually today b/c it is 1am right now) is a new day and God's mercies are new EVERY morning! I look forward to starting the week off good tomorrow. I'll post again later in the week unless something exciting happens between now and then lol.
Until next time.......

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